
Interesting Facts about Aluminium Hardware


Lightweight, corrosion-resistant, flexible, highly conductive, highly reflective, non-toxic, long-lasting, and recyclable are just a few of the many inherent qualities that allow manufacturers and designers a wide variety of alternatives for product creation. Aluminium is a recent industrial metal, having only been produced commercially for over 100 years.

There are innumerable Hardware Supplier goods made of aluminium, such as soda cans, ladders, electrical cables, and aeroplane fuselages. It’s become one of the most often utilized metals in the world, along with steel. 

We’ve put together a list of seven facts about aluminium that could surprise you, even if you’ve probably used a product that contains it.

In the Earth’s crust, aluminium is the third most prevalent element after silicon and oxygen. In other words, there is more aluminium than iron in the world, and at the rate at which it is being used now, our resources will be sufficient for many years.


In light of this, we’d like to provide some fascinating information:

  • It ranks third in mineral abundance on Earth, after silicon and oxygen. It makes up 8% of the Earth’s crust in terms of mass, yet it wasn’t identified until 1824 since it only naturally exists in compounds, not as a pure metal.
  • It is not overstated to suggest that aluminium contributed to the invention of modern flying. Aluminium is a strong but lightweight Hardware Supplier that weighs roughly one-third as little as copper or steel. Because no manufacturer could provide an engine light enough with the required horsepower, the Wright brothers fashioned essential components of their biplane’s engine out of aluminium.
  • “Aluminum” is another name for aluminium. Although the terms are spelt differently, their meaning is the same.
  • The most popular non-iron metal in use today is aluminium. For U.S. usage in 2017, six million metric tons were used.
  • A green metal is an aluminium. According to the EPA, extracting aluminium from ore uses just 5% as much energy as recycling it does. You can save enough energy by recycling just one aluminium beverage can to power your TV for three hours.
  • Thanks to recycling, almost 75% of all aluminium produced is still in use. After recycling, an aluminium Coke can be made into a new one in as little as 60 days.
  • Aluminium is used to make telescope tubes because it is incredibly reflective.
  • Chromium atoms replace a few aluminium oxide atoms in the crystals that make up rubies.
  • The moon has aluminium in it.
  • When aluminium combines with other chemicals, it can become highly flammable in the form of fine powder or dust. It is used to make sparklers or pyrotechnics that are silver and white in hue. A solid rocket booster’s principal fuel is aluminium, used in space shuttle and model rocket engines.
  • In the middle of the 19th century, aluminium was more valuable than gold and was referred to as the “Metal of Kings.” The most esteemed visitors of Napoleon III received aluminium flatware; all other guests had to eat from gold or silver plates.
  • Typically, aluminium alloys are utilized to improve the qualities of aluminium for specific engineering constructions and components where light weight or corrosion resistance are crucial. Magnesium, silicon, manganese, zinc, and copper are the most frequently utilized elements in aluminium alloys.
  • Aluminium is quite malleable. Impact rails for automobiles are often built of aluminium because it has a two-fold greater capacity to absorb crash energy than steel, pound for pound.


One of the most common, well-liked, and environmentally friendly in today’s Hardware Suppliers is aluminium. It comes in many forms and is even employed in producing beer kegs.

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