Wireless internet is a standard expectation in today’s day and age. Managed WIFI for multi-dwelling unit (MDU) complexes is something that has increased in demand and almost every property owner and manager are doing their best to provide the most attractive and latest amenities for their community.
The demand for managed WIFI exists across apartment complexes, assisted living facilities, and various other MDUs. An mdu network customer service provides solutions in cases where there are even hundreds of units, offering a high-performance wireless network.
A managed WIFI can offer a solution to such a requirement, but it needs to be tailored according to each type of MDU.
The Versatility Of MDU Network Customer Service
1. Managed WIFI for Apartments
A WIFI and internet connection has almost become synonymous with one another. Most residents expect an apartment building to be well equipped with MDU WIFI as it enables them to surf the net without having to deal with the hassles of an internet service provider directly. This is where managed WIFI plays a pivotal role.
Property-wide WIFI does not only serve residents but also helps many IoT devices perform their core functions. Amenities such as access control, temperature regulation, lighting, and voice-activated systems, all use managed WIFI to perform their functions.
Offering high-capacity managed WIFI can be a source of additional revenue for property owners and managers as it offers them a competitive edge. It helps them attract new tenants, and also earn revenue that could be lost if residents had to arrange for their internet connection.
In apartment buildings where residents have their WIFIs, hundreds of routers need to compete for the wireless spectrum. On the contrary, a managed WIFI service helps coordinate a network’s design and access points. As a result, it makes optimal use of the limited wireless spectrum and offers a secure, high-speed, wireless connection throughout the range of the property.
2. Managed WIFI for College Dorms and Campuses
Online learning has become the order of the day for students right from elementary school to college and university grads. Hence, college students must be able to access the internet through a fast, secure, and consistent managed WIFI service that is available from dorms and department buildings to the university center.
Right from student living facilities to classrooms, the entire campus heavily relies on a steady and powerful WIFI system that supports various activities such as conducting research, online classes, submitting assignments, and maintaining social relationships.
In general, a college student uses seven devices on a college campus. Devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, desktops, printers, videogame consoles, and smart TVs are common features in a college student’s life. So, an MDU wireless network and the mdu network customer service managing it must meet the increasing demand of college students.
3. For Senior Care and Assisted Living Centers
The older generation is not far behind in getting as tech-savvy as the Millenials. Many older people have adopted the use of smartphones, tablets, internet-based technologies. Hence, MDUs for senior care, and assisted living facilities must keep pace with the increasing demand for wireless internet.
The need for managed WIFI lies in the fact that residents rely on a steady internet connection to keep in regular touch with their friends and loved ones. Moreover, many wireless-enabled technologies such as health monitors and motion sensors are lifelines in and of themselves. They need to keep track of a resident’s vital stats at each second.
The staff at assisted living centers relies heavily on an MDU’s WIFI network. In addition to smartphones, tablets, and PCs, assisted living centers also need to maintain secure, HIPAA-compliant patient records as these need to be accessed frequently. Hence, a fast and consistent managed WIFI network is an indispensable part of such centers.
The need for high-speed managed WIFI has only increased with an increase in the world’s older age population. Currently, more than 50% of seniors above the age of 65 own and frequently use smartphones.
Hence, the future generation of smart wireless technology will be set to accommodate most assisted living centers, just like residential complexes and college campuses.
With the ever-increasing demand for mdu network customer service, it is only fair to say that a managed WIFI network is an indispensable part of the MDU framework.
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